VOGDB release 221 has been evaluated in detail and compared to several other databases for our publication in MDPI Viruses. Online supplementary files from this evaluation are available here. 1. Files used to compare the VOGDB clusters to clusters from COG, PHROG and pVOG databases in terms of functional and structural homogeneity. There are 2 types of files for every database and VOGDB layer. *fun.anno - functional annotation of the members transferred from SwissProt *stuc.basecase.anno - structural annotation in terms of the protein superfamily as transferred from astral95 The additional file accepted_lv1.list contains the level 1 keywords in SwissProt that are used in the evaluation. Other keywords are ignored. 2. VOGDB clusters that contain proteins from both prokaryotic and eukarytic viruses (LCA: "Viruses") vog.lca.viruses.txt - VOGs that contain proteins from both prokaryotic and eukarytic viruses vfam.lca.viruses.txt - VFAMs that contain proteins from both prokaryotic and eukarytic viruses 3. Taxonomy of VOGDB genomes vogdb.taxonomy.krona.html - Krona chart of all genomes contained in VOGDB 4. Statistics of VOGDB multiple alignment files Comma separated value files are generated by alistat Columns: File_name, #sequences, #sites, Ca, Cr_max, Cr_min, Cc_max, Cc_min, Cij_max, Cij_min vog.msa.statistics.txt - alistat statistics for the multiple sequence alignment for each VFAM vfam.msa.statistics.txt - alistat statistics for the multiple sequence alignment for each VFAM 5. Statistics of multiple alignments for groups from other databases The protein sequences have been aligned as VOGDB groups, using ClustalOmega 1.2.4 Comma separated value files are generated by alistat Columns: File_name, #sequences, #sites, Ca, Cr_max, Cr_min, Cc_max, Cc_min, Cij_max, Cij_min cog.msa.statistics.txt - alistat statistics for the multiple sequence alignment for each COG eggnog.msa.statistics.txt - alistat statistics for the multiple sequence alignment for each EGGNOG phrog.msa.statistics.txt - alistat statistics for the multiple sequence alignment for each PHROG pvog.msa.statistics.txt - alistat statistics for the multiple sequence alignment for each pVOG 6. Boxplots of multiple alignment statistics msa.statistics.Ca.png - Boxplots of Ca scores per alignment for COG, EGGNOG, PHROG, pVOG, VOG, VFAM msa.statistics.Cc.png - Boxplots of minima and maxima of Cc scores per alignment for COG, EGGNOG, PHROG, pVOG, VOG, VFAM msa.statistics.Cij.png - Boxplots of minima and maxima of Cij scores per alignment for COG, EGGNOG, PHROG, pVOG, VOG, VFAM msa.statistics.Cr.png - Boxplots of minima and maxima of Cr scores per alignment for COG, EGGNOG, PHROG, pVOG, VOG, VFAM msa.statistics.sequences_sites.png - Boxplots of number of sequences and sites for COG, EGGNOG, PHROG, pVOG, VOG, VFAM